David Burns's Podcast
Based on 30 years of quality management expertise, David Burns provides management and technical support to all those business manager's tasked with developing and implementing quality management systems.
Free - don't you just love free! My podcasts are normally a short bursts of information to support your business compliance. The podcasts range from "how to manage auditing" through to "a full on auditor training program". Please contact me at info@davidburns.co.uk if you'd like a "quality management" podcast "specific to your needs"... more than happy to support your business - info@davidburns.co.uk
Thanks for listening.
David Burns's Podcast
THE INTERNAL AUDITOR - ...wave goodbye to the classroom... listen and learn
Whether you're new to internal quality system auditing, or an old hand, listen and learn from our "podcast" and at the same time refer to our "free" kindle eBook from Amazon.
Be prepared to present you case for internal auditing and reporting.
Our internal auditor training is divided into 5 easy reference sessions:
1. Developing audit concepts - why, where and when to audit
2. The auditor - character and how to select the best auditor
3. The audit - where to look, what to audit and who to ask
4. Auditor skills - getting it right, with the correct information
5. Reporting the audit - presenting the performance improvement case to management
… with the primary objective of performance improvement and contract compliance.
… you'll know as much as the Certification Body at the close of the podcast.
For your FREE kindle e-book (copy into your browser) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/INTERNAL-AUDITOR-NEXT-GENERATION-19011-ebook/dp/B078R8ZFMG/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+internal+auditor+david+burns&qid=1588085929&sr=8-1
The information contained in this publication is designed in such a way as to give knowledge and guidance to Quality Managers and Internal Auditors. The methodologies applied throughout this booklet are well proven and will deliver performance improvement – and your reputation as an expert Internal Auditor.